2016 vs. 2017

Hello again all! I feel like I say this a lot, but I'm back, and it's been a little while. This time, I was off planning a wedding, getting married, having a honeymoon, getting fully accredited at work, and dealing with the Christmas craziness of school. Oh, and the new Hubby and I are moving to London in less than a month. So that's insane. But this is a sewing blog, so let's get to that, yeah? I just wanted to talk a little about my sewing last year (2016) and how I'm moving into 2017, with crafty resolutions and goals. 2016 for me personally was a pretty great year (YOU GUYS, I GOT MARRIED!), and that is true also about my sewing. I feel like I sewed quite a few things that were out of my comfort zone, made some items I absolutely love to wear, and I began to find myself truly a part of a sewing community (thanks Sydney Spoolettes!). In terms of actual items I've made, I haven't kept a true count, but it's definitely not reflected in my blogging. ...