
Showing posts from February, 2017

V&A Museum: Undressed

Hey all! I said in my very last post that I would aim to post twice a month... As you can see, not so much so far. I have projects lined up, which have been photographed. I'm just waiting on my photographer (the husband) to fix and upload them for me before I can write a blog post. Hopefully soon. Since my last post, so many things have happened though. I live in LONDON now! We stayed with friends in a small town for about 2 weeks, while we found our own place, and now we've moved in! We have a view of most of the London Eye from our flat window... It's very cool.  So I'm not sewing (except to mend things by hand), due to my lack of, well, practically everything sewing. I am knitting, and I am hoping to buy a shiny newmachine at the beginning of March. I am lining up a few nice things to do that are sewing-related, though. I have the Sewing Machine Museum on my list, as well as the Knitting and Stitching show at the beginning of March. TMOS (The Man Outside Sainsb...