A Long Time Coming - Walthamstow S2444

Hello again, all! I'm still here, I promise, just working more and not having quite as much time for sewing. I have here for you a dress that was a long, long time coming... with one of my TnT patterns, Simplicity 2444. This fabric... I'm not really sure what it is. I got it from TMOS in Walthamstow in February of 2016 (so yeah, ages ago), and it's literally travelled around the world since then. We were in London in early February 2016 for a family wedding, and I took a free day while there to go out to Walthamstow and do some fabric shopping. It wasn't the busiest (it was a weekday) but I walked away with a few pieces of fabric I really loved, this one included. The design is stitched on rather than printed or embossed, and it has a slight stretch (although I sewed it up with a straight stitch), and it has a little bounce to it which gives the hem a lovely bit of shape to it when worn. I lined the bodice with ust simple white cotton This is my modi...