A Dress in a Week: Simplicity 2444 (Or, the Christmas Dress)

This is a dress which, while I don't regret making at all, I do wish I had done slightly differently. It was a real adventure though... I was coming up to Christmas, thinking about what to wear to both mine and the Husband's work parties (I get to go to his, but he doesn't get to go to mine!). His is always easy - it's black tie, and I only see the people once a year, so I have a few very fancy dresses that are RTW which I rotate through. In all honesty, I don't have much interest in sewing a dress for a black tie party, given I only have one a year - but that may change in the future, I guess. When it comes to my party, as a teacher it is a much more chilled affair. I do need an outfit, of course, but it doesn't need to be black tie. So, I made the super decision on a Saturday to sew a new dress! The party was on the following Friday, which was also the last week of school before the holiday. So on top on prepping for the end of the term, and my Christma...