Sew Dolly Clackett Entry #1 - Off To See the Wizard dress!

Also known as the Dorothy dress (which I've been calling it from the beginning). One of the reasons I got so heavily back into sewing was from reading blogs: and the first one I found was Dolly Clackett. I love her style, and the prints she uses, and read the entire blog in less than a week, all the way back to the first post. Crazy, maybe, but Roisin is incredible.

Partly from her blog, and all the other sweet versions online, I bought the Sewaholic Cambie pattern - I just had to have it. And the perfect fabric to try it as a wearable muslin? Baby blue 1/2" cotton gingham from Lincraft on sale!

I cut a size 12 straight after consulting the measurements - it is completely gorgeous! The sweetneart neckline, the gathered sleeves... Swoon.

Now, you can see from these pics that actually, this is not the straight dress. I made the entire thing, completely by the book, and the skirt was just... huge. I took out the under layer and it was better and wearable, but not quite my style. So, I made a self-drafted 1/2 circle skirt and attached it instead. And BOY, does that look better than before (no before pictures though sorry).

I'm entering this for several 'Dolly Clackett' features - gingham (Roisin has 2 gingham Cambie's of her own), the Cambie itself, and the pattern hack! It feels like it has character too, and I think that fits. In terms of construction, I also think this may be the best so far.

(Have a gif!)

New skills: full lining, gathered skirt, french seams


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