Plaid Project - Purple

And finally, I'm back! Hi there. Now, I know it's been ages - but I have excuses. They're even good ones. We moved house, I had to find a new job, and when I finally had some things ready to photograph, the boyfriend lost his camera (he's my photographer) and he had to buy a new one. So yeah, there's that. And now, we're all settled in the new apartment. We've moved from Canberra to Sydney (3 hrs by car), so it's kind of an upgrade. And now I have work too, and the boyfriend has a new camera... So we're all ready to go! I have 4 FO's to show you, but they'll be spread out, I won't post them all at once. This first dress was actually the last thing I finished before we moved. I saw the fabric in my (old) local Lincraft during the half price sale back in June (so, ages ago). I actually didn't buy it when I saw it originally, I walked away, thinking that it wouldn't work properly. But the more I thought about it, the more ...