Plaid Project - Purple

And finally, I'm back! Hi there.

Now, I know it's been ages - but I have excuses. They're even good ones. We moved house, I had to find a new job, and when I finally had some things ready to photograph, the boyfriend lost his camera (he's my photographer) and he had to buy a new one. So yeah, there's that.

And now, we're all settled in the new apartment. We've moved from Canberra to Sydney (3 hrs by car), so it's kind of an upgrade. And now I have work too, and the boyfriend has a new camera... So we're all ready to go! I have 4 FO's to show you, but they'll be spread out, I won't post them all at once.

This first dress was actually the last thing I finished before we moved. I saw the fabric in my (old) local Lincraft during the half price sale back in June (so, ages ago). I actually didn't buy it when I saw it originally, I walked away, thinking that it wouldn't work properly. But the more I thought about it, the more I liked the fabric, so I went back on the last day of the sale and snagged the last 3ish metres. I was worried about the plaid matching, after seeing all the things that other people have made with plaid that's been perfectly matched. I didn't have the inclination or the patience to do that

(Apparently I can't do a sensible face, but let's ignore that, shall we?)

This lovely dress is New Look 6223, and I made up View B. As you can see, my solution to the plaid matching question is to not even try, but put the bodice on the bias (I didn't pay a huge amount of attention to the sleeves). It totally worked!

I can do sleeves now! Im not sure they were supposed to be a little puffy (like they ended up), but I like it, I think it's sweet. I cut a size 16, based on finished garment measurements. The pattern has a knife pleated skirt, pockets (!), those little cap sleeves and a fully lined bodice (although becuse I had the end of the roll, I lined the bodice in black cotton instead).

(See, pockets! Also, my hair is redder now.)

There were a few things that I will change for next time. The pocket openings are too wide and things I put in them (usually pencils, seeing as how I work as a teacher) keep falling out! The neckline is a little gapey (too wide for my shoulders), so I want to get a fix for that. I'm also tempted to take the neckline down, just a little.

Anyway, I really like this dress and it's fit straight into regular rotation. I wear it about once a week!

New skills: SLEEVES!

What have you made lately?


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