My First Knit Garment - Deer and Doe Ondee

Hey everyone! I feel like I say this a lot, but it has been busy. Let's be honest, I like it that way... I've been working, going to some theatre and some movies, and trying to make friends. I think I'm starting to get there (anyone else feel like making friends as an adult is hard?). One of my biggest sewing goals this year, given I knew I was getting a new sewing machine, was to learn how to sew with knits. My old machine back in Australia struggled with knits: meaning, I could not get it to work no matter what I tried! So when I went to the Knitting and Stitching Show and bought my new machine, I also went to a talk by Lauren Guthrie of Guthrie and Ghani on sewing with knits. I returned to her stall afterwards, picked up a kit with hints for sewing with knits, some gorgeous sweatshirt knit in a navy blue fleck, and a copy of the Deer and Doe Ondee pattern. I thought that this pattern would be a good fit for my wardrobe, given how much I wear high waisted dresses ...