My First Knit Garment - Deer and Doe Ondee

Hey everyone! I feel like I say this a lot, but it has been busy. Let's be honest, I like it that way... I've been working, going to some theatre and some movies, and trying to make friends. I think I'm starting to get there (anyone else feel like making friends as an adult is hard?).

One of my biggest sewing goals this year, given I knew I was getting a new sewing machine, was to learn how to sew with knits. My old machine back in Australia struggled with knits: meaning, I could not get it to work no matter what I tried! So when I went to the Knitting and Stitching Show and bought my new machine, I also went to a talk by Lauren Guthrie of Guthrie and Ghani on sewing with knits. I returned to her stall afterwards, picked up a kit with hints for sewing with knits, some gorgeous sweatshirt knit in a navy blue fleck, and a copy of the Deer and Doe Ondee pattern.

I thought that this pattern would be a good fit for my wardrobe, given how much I wear high waisted dresses and skirts, and I was right. You would be right too, if you noticed that this top isn't navy blue. It's not! After making the navy blue one and wearing it a bunch for about a week, I ordered a length of the same fabric in grey, also from Lauren. And this one is almost more versatile than the blue - it goes with blue, and purple and green as well!

This jumper was so easy to make - I followed the tips from Lauren's talk and her tips for sewing with knits, read my machine manual, and even practised on several fabrics before starting. I used clear elastic on the shoulder seams, and the size (size 3, down a size from my previous Deer and Doe size due to losing weight) fit perfectly without any adjustments! Any drag lines you see are purely from my posing.

These photos were taken in one of our cool local spots - a footpath underpass, which always has some person graffiti-ing in it. The walls change practically every day, and there's always something cool to look at!

Now I'm inspired to make more using knits - I even have knit fabrics I've been hoarding for years I can finally use! I'm hoping to make a few different styles of dress in a range of colours. Here's hoping I'll have some sewing time soon!


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