Hi there!

Welcome to my blog. I am a newly interested sewer, a result of moving house and finally having a place to put my sewing machine! As you may have guessed, I'm Rachel, and while my sewing skills aren't incredible (yet, I hope) I am loving sewing and creating awesome things!

I learnt to sew growing up from my grandmother, and am rediscovering my skills. I inherited my nan's machine and serger, and haven't ye been able to use them due to lack of space in my living arrangements.

Soon, I hope to get photos of my creations so far, but in lieu of a photographer, I wanted to show you some new fabrics. One many of you would have seen before, the other I just saw online and had to have.

(Michael Miller Eiffel Tower in black, Wonderful Woodlands Fox Plaid in grey)

Now, the real question... What to make???


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