Seeing Spots: White on Purple

Hello again. How are we all doing today? I loved the last dress I made, Simplicity 2444, so much that the very next thing I made was... another one!

The fabric is really nice, actually. A family friend heard from my parents that I was sewing things, and mentioned that she had a HUGE amount of fabric she wanted to get rid of. I very happily went around to her place to take a look! She mostly did quilting, so many pieces weren't the right size for the job. But I picked up a few, and this one I wanted to use first. I looked it up based on the selvage, and it's actually a curtain fabric, 100% cotton, and quite sturdy. It gives the pleated skirt a really lovely shape.

 I cut a 16 again, and pulled it in 2 inches before sewing it up. I (obviously) made the sleeveless version with pattern skirt this time. I learnt a big new skill for this one - bias binding! I used binding as a facing as well as on the inside of the dress - see, so nice!

(Looks so nice...)

 It took longer to do because I handsewed it down after attaching it with the machine, but it is well worth it, I think. I tried to make the neckline smaller after last time, but it is still too large. I think I'm going to need to do a full fit on the bodice to work it out.

This one has surprise pockets! Because of the weight of the fabric, I decided to use some of the leftover Tula Pink raccoon fabric for the pockets, to make them more lightweight, and I love the surprise. Even if nobody else sees it.

(Obligatory silly photo!)

I love it, and will keep making it, for sure. I just need to fix the issues I'm having, I think.


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