A Gingham Lilou - My Gingham-Along Entry!

Evening all! It will be a short post tonight, and I also want to apologise for my face in these photos. I had to get these photos done and up today, but I'm ridiculously sick at the moment (and mostly still working, thanks to my profession). I got greeted three times today with 'Wow, you look unwell!' - which is just what you want when you feel like death warmed up.

Anyway, this is coming under the wire, really, but is my entry into the Gingham-Along hosted by Karen of Did You Make That? How it came about is a slightly complex story....

When the Ginghamalong was first announced, I was like 'YES! MAKE ALL THE GINGHAM THINGS!', but then I realised I'm trying to save money as well as sew my stash, so my plans went by the wayside. I still have an amazing mental image of black and white gingham shorts (so if anyone knows where to find gingham sateen, let me know!). Except, on Friday (the 9th), I saw an ad for 40% off at Lincraft, where they have a decent range of polycotton ginghams. So I went and picked up the materials for this dress (for like $20!). Except I bought it on Saturday, when I was in Canberra for the weekend, and I've been working as well. So this has been speed-sewn over two evenings in order to get it finished on time!

Because I knew I'd have to sew quickly, I picked one of my TNT patterns  - the Lilou dress from Tilly and the Buttons Love at First Stitch. I made my usual size (4), and subbed in a gathered skirt for the usual pattern piece.

I was totally inspired (i.e. I stole from) by this dress that Frankie of KnitWitsOwls made back in August. I just realised, she's entered hers in the Gingham-Along too - oops! Next time, I'll aim for inspiration rather than a copy... I love the faux placket, and the bias juxtaposition compared to the regular gingham. I was a bit lazy though, so unlike Frankie, I used a single piece of gingham and simply turned the edges under before topstitching. The buttons are a find from Achieve Australia's 'Fabric Cave', my local crafty charity store.

While I think it looks a little pouffy around my waist in photos, but on I love it. The slightly longer length on this really appeals to me (it's only slightly longer than my normal dresses, but still), and as with all my Lilous, it's super comfy.

So regardless of whether or not I win the Ginghamalong, the way my dress fits and looks and the fact I made it in 2 evenings makes me feel like a winner! Good luck to all the other entrants!


  1. This dress is so cute! I am seriously impressed that you were able to sew it up in just a couple of days, and still have it look so adorable.

    1. Thank you! It was a stressful few days, I definitely wouldn't do it often!

  2. That's one absolutely gorgeous dress!

    1. Thanks so much! I can see myself wearing it a lot, especially now that the weather is warming up here.

  3. You certainly are a winner with that dress. Beautiful!

  4. I love both your version and Frankie's. Faux buttons on that bias placket add such a lovely detail :)

    1. Thanks! I didn't realise she had entered hers as well until after I made mine... oops! They do say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery...


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