New Years Sew-lutions

Hey guys! So many awesome people are doing round up posts, Top 5 stuff. I love reading them, but I don't feel like I really made enough things to count! (I mean, I made more than 5, but haven't blogged quite a few of them...)

So I thought I'd briefly mention a few of my sewing goals for the next year:

  1. Sew more wearable things. Don't get me wrong, I wear my dresses heaps. But I need more tops, and I feel like I should make a few plainer things so that I can mix and match properly.
  2. Sew with velvet. Slightly cheating, but I bought a 3m length of crushed panne velvet in the post-Christmas sales, which will be my test run.
  3. Make some PJs! This is something I need to do! I am so fussy and am running out of them. Simple as that.
  4. Sew a coat. I am hoping to move countries (Australia to the UK) next year, and I would love to have a handmade piece of outerwear to take and wear with me.
  5. Find something to do with my scraps... They are going to take over my life otherwise!
A few of these are actually similar, in that they involve using fabrics other than cotton, which is something I need to do anyway. I think these are all very achievable, I just need to focus and not let the squirrels distract me too much (which has already started, based on my sales purchases. Oops).

And on a knitting note... Knit a well-fitting cropped cardigan.

Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas, enjoy your New Year, and I shall return with more garments in 2015!


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