Keeping a Good List

Hey lovelies! I have a wordy post for you today, for a few reasons. I'm out of town at the moment, and it's so cold (feels like 2!) so I haven't brought many me-mades for taking photos of. I need to get on making more practical colder weather clothes (read: not all dresses and skirts!).

I thought I'd share with you today some of the things on my sewing 'bucket list' at the moment, in case anyone has advice to offer or has similar goals. I currently have these in a list on my phone entitled 'To accomplish'. I do like a good list.

         The first thing on my list, was pajamas. For me, that meant one of those lace edged slip nighties, made up in a slippery fabric with some stretch. I wanted a pattern with separate bust pieces rather than darts, to fit my bustiness a bit better and allow for more modifications if I need to adjust it. 
         I ended up making Butterick 6031, Gertie's pattern, in a slippery poly with a gorgeous Japanese inspired print from Spotlight. It probably won't make it onto the blog, because honestly, I'm not that brave (maybe on the hangar though?) However, it needs some work - I hemmed it way too high (my fault entirely), and the bust pieces do need a little bit of help. I'm also still learning about using knit stitches on my machine (I'm forever fighting the tension with knit fabrics). I like it alot and I do wear it, but I'll remake it when the weather gets warmer.
         I have also made wintry pajamas (also worn all the time as lounge pants) using Tilly and the Buttons Margot pattern from Love At First Stitch. They're flattering looking but still super comfy, and I've made 3 pairs in flannelette (to appear on the blog soon!)

          Sewing with knits is my big nemesis... I suppose that should actually be listed before the first one, but I have so many issues with my tension, and machine in general, the one time I sewed with ponte (I ended up doing a circle skirt hem entirely by hand, it was so difficult!!!). I would like to be able to make comfy knit tops and ponte dresses, but I need some help. I'm thinking in order to tick this one off the list, I'm going to take a class, so someone can help me. I'm going to try one more time first though, as I have a few fabrics (including a gorgeous hunter green stretch panne velvet) which are just waiting to become Lady Skater dresses!

LACE OVERLAY DRESS          I really want a lace overlay dress. Almost every time I see these in a store, I love them, especially sheer lace sleeves. Specifically, I have an image in my head of a 3/4 sheer sleeved navy lace dress, but that's still a while off. In the meantime, I have made one broderie angliase dress, navy blue on white (I love it - it's a Tilly and the Buttons Lilou dress), and am planning to dye some fabric and make a green one soon too! To achieve the final lace dress I have in mind, I just need a lot of patience, which at the moment I don't have. Simple as that.

          I'd love to sew myself a swimsuit. This will probably take the longest, for a few reasons. Firstly, I don't actually swim all that much! I also feel like I need to conquer knits first, and I haven't made anything using the kinds of notions in swimwear. I do want to try it though, because I struggle to find nice swimsuits which cover enough and are supportive enough. I think the Bombshell would be excellent, but that requires special notions and skills which I don't yet have.

          For a while, I've wanted a vintage style coat (which in my head means with a fuller skirted silhouette), and was planning on making one. I was looking at patterns, thinking about colours, wondering how much wool content I could afford to include in the fabric, and then the Boyfriend decided he wanted to buy me a new winter coat... So this happened. So, now I have a new winter coat. I adore this coat so much (as you will hopefully have realised from my previous post), so I won't be making a coat anytime soon, but it's still definitely on my list for eventually!
These are on my list (my ever-growing list)... What about yours? What sewing goals do you have? And congratulations to all those who made it all the way through that, that was super wordy - well done and thank you!


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