The Best Basic Skirt (with bonus fandom!)

Hey everyone, hope your Monday night is as awesome as mine! I've been crazy productive today after work, which is always good, I have work booked for the rest of the week, and I will have time to sew after dinner... Win-win-win!

Yesterday, the Boyfriend/Photographer and I finally headed out on a small adventure to take some new blog photos of some old makes. Luckily, there are lots of nice places around where we live, inluding Sydney Olympic Park. We headed into Bicentennial Park (which is huge - we got 3 sets of photos in very different settings), to the pretty Lake Belvedere. It even has a little walkway with a small island, and is surrounded by all kinds of birds (and on our sunny Sunday afternoon, two wedding parties).

(How cool is that bridge? Well, it was cool until 
my shoe went through a gap and I almost fell...)

The make I want to share with you today is this skirt. I LOVE IT SO MUCH. A lot of my makes are very bright and colourful, and I love that, but I realised just before Christmas last year that what I really needed were some basic coloured skirts to go with the bright tops I own. Specifically, I wanted at least a black one. In the end, my parents bought me a voucher for for Christmas, which I used to purchase some twill in black, navy and red, as well as some grey light(ish) cordouroy. I used all of them to make 3 Chardon skirts, by Deer and Doe.

(Practicing my posing... You can see a flash of pocket!)

I made the size 44, but ended up taking it in a little (maybe 1"?) at the zip. I end up doing this a lot, so I think I need to start sizing down a bit. I gave it teal pockets, and red bias on the hem, because why not? I like that sometimes you get a little flash of red as I move.

(So I think this looks fake, but I was actually laughing, I swear!)

This skirt is really the best. The shape is flattering, and the kind of silhouette I like (I LOVE the pleats and enjoyed practising my topstitching), and in this fabric, it's the perfect weight and goes with absolutely everything. Would highly recommend. And seeing as I've made it thrice, I think that makes it a TNT pattern!

(Every girl needs her sonic screwdriver...)

For these photos I wore it with one of my favourite tops - a button up TARDIS shirt I got from Supanova (it's available through the BBC). And of course, when being Doctor Who-ish, you need a sonic screwdriver! This shirt is awesome because it's fandom, but not really obvious, so I can wear it to work. I love when people notice and they're all "Is that a Doctor Who shirt?" WHY YES, IT DEFINITELY IS.

(Daleks and Cyberman, BEWARE!)

Well, I'd better go. Only the ironing lies between me and crafty time! I'd love to try some more TNT style patterns like this one... What are your TNT patterns (tops, skirts, dresses... anything!)? I'd love to know!


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