Starry Datura - Another TNT

Hey all! Hope you're having a lovely week. Despite being on holidays, I am keeping busy - between school prep, wedding prep, my TAFE course, learning to ride a motorcycle, and generally being an adult who does adult things... I have been busy! Getting a little knitting done (mostly when I'm on public transport), but not a whole lot of sewing, unfortunately. So I have dredged the photo archives for some more which were taken way back in July to show you today.

I wear this top all the time (I have 4 incarnations of this pattern), and yet it has never made it to the blog! I really need to work on that, actually. This is the Deer and Doe Datura top, and I love it. In fact, out of all the ones that I've made, this is my favourite.

I've got this pattern down to a fine art now, and can whip one out in a few hours. I make a size 44, with a slight tweaking to the side seams to decrease the flare a little. As this was my first version, the length is as per the pattern, but in future versions I have lengthened the bodice by 2 inches. It's just a teensy bit short for wearing pants, although the length as is is perfect tucked into a skirt (and that's how I most often wear them - tucked into a Chardon skirt to work).

The fabric, again, is a find from Achieve Australia. I fell in love with the star print straight away, and despite being a poly (I'm about 98% sure on that), I had to have it. I especially like the look of the triangle cutouts with the star print. The buttons are from my Nanna's old stash, which I raided when I was at my Mum's house back in July, and the black bias binding is just store bought. I was nervous about putting it in, but it's gone in perfect every time I've used it, which has been excellent.

This top rarely makes it to my drawer for more than a day before it's worn again. It's comfy, flattering, fits well and goes with everything. What's more to love? Definitely another TNT pattern for me - the love for Deer and Doe is strong with this one.

Hope everyone is having a reasonable Wednesday, and that's it's all up from here. See you soon!


  1. Oop, I know you posted this awhile ago but I just wanted to say what a cute top! I've had this pattern for awhile and haven't made it up yet, I've been concerned about the fabric. Have you found that you need a sturdier fabric because of the cut-outs? I have some rayon I might want to use for it but I was worried it was too lightweight.


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