Christmas Presents - Super Belated Edition

Hey guys! It's been another rather long break, unfortunately. I should really have typed up a post about the Spring Knitting and Stitching Show! In short, I loved it, I bought fabric and a pattern from Lauren of Guthrie & Ghani (she was super lovely, despite my slight fangirling), I bought a new sewing machine (and I LOVE IT!), and the Husband and I decided to sponsor a cat. Apparently Cat Protection is at almost every show and exhibition.

Anyway, since getting my new machine I've already finished one garment, despite the crazy time I've been having at work. I'm super excited to start the project I bought from Lauren and make my first ever knit garment!

But this post is not about that. This is further back, from Christmas and other presents which I gifted my family late last year. I didn't do as many handmade gifts as 2015 (I knitted 6 scarves that year), but I did make a few, also taking advantage of a new obsession of mine - knitting socks.

I took the plunge on sock knitting after knitting a cardigan (which takes a long time) and many scarves (which are not so interesting). I like the changeability of sock knitting in that you're never doing anything for too long, and the portability of them - perfect for trains!

So for Christmas last year I picked up a few balls from my favourite self-striped yarn store, Stray Cat Socks on Etsy. The yarns are lovely, the colours vibrant, and I love watching the colours change. I used my regular pattern, which is the pattern from Stray Cat Socks Kit. This is a very straight forward pattern which I've found fits everyone I've knitted for so far! So I knitted 2 more pairs - one for my Mum, and one for my little (but bigger than me) brother. They graciously agreed to do the sock modelling and everything, although they were reluctant to show their faces. I picked Revolution for my brother (the red and grey colourway, although I found it hard to choose more 'manly' colours), and Set Adrift for Mum (her perfect colours - blues and brown!). They fit really well and get worn by both around the house a lot.

And so I shall leave you again, hopefully to be back before next month with my next post... And I'll leave you with my brother's other Christmas present. He's hoping to move out this year, and we are classic Pokemon fans, so... There's that.


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