2019: A Summary

I know people say this every year, but how is it the end of 2019 already? It has been a big one for us in many ways. We had to leave the UK for a few months to get new visas at the beginning of the year, I lost a job, I got a new (better) one, we have travelled, I have seen much theatre, and as usual I've bought more fabric than I've sewn! Of course, this is a common problem among sewists and I will do a post in a week or so with my intentions for the year 2020 but for now this is a wrapping up post!

In terms of sewing, I did a lot in the beginning of the year. It helped to pass the time while I was back at home for 2 months, unemployed and with my family at work every day. And that period of time was a real eye-opener for me! I made three projects which were challenging me in different ways - piping and pattern matching, trousers, and many buttonholes! After that, and the successes which I had with those, I realised that I need to challenge myself more in my sewing. So then I made a trench! I also discovered some TNT patterns, and made a swimsuit as well.

(My @yearincolour)

After I started my new job in September, sewing time really dropped off. I wasn't stressed, I was just busy - at work until 6pm most days meant that I wasn't home until 7, then had barely any time after that in the evening.

My main project since September was my work Xmas party dress - which I decided to make in a week! Insanity, but I did it. And now we're just a few days out from Christmas and I have a long long list of fabrics I want to use and patterns I want to make. Luckily I'm pretty organised and all have matches of what goes with what.

(My #topnine2019 - you guys loved my dress in a week project!)

I found during 2019 that I had plenty of time, but I wasted it. Watching TV (whether while sewing or not), sitting on the sofa, I was even guilty of procrasticleaning! So I know I could have done more, but I am proud of the projects I completed

In terms of blogging, I didn't post at all until June, but then I posted 17 projects in 5 months, which I consider pretty good going! Overall, out of 17 projects, there was: 5 tops, 6 dresses, 3 bottoms, and 3 others. A couple of the projects were pulled 'from the vault' (aka, from my wardrobe) but the vast majority were stitched in the year they were blogged, even if they weren't entirely in the order I made them...

Tops: I discovered a TNT this year in the True Bias Ogden cami (and I know I'm not alone), and so 4 of my blogged tops were some of those (I have even more yet to blog!). I also blogged one from the archives, in a floral Deer and Doe Datura top.

Dresses: It's unsurprising that I made and also blogged more dresses than anything else, because that is what I wear the most! Of the 6 dresses, the Ogden cami made another appearance as a dress. I also included 2 Nina Lee Kew dresses which was a big favourite this year! The other 3 were from the archives, with another New Look 6048 from my wardrobe, an older Simple Sew Ruby which is a wardrobe workhorse for me and a dress I made to copy a TV show using Simplicity 8130, a crop top pattern which I added a skirt to.

Bottoms: I only blogged 3 pieces for my lower half this year, and 2 of them were True Bias Landers! The corduroy Landers haven't seen as much wear as I imagined, but I think that's due to not having the knowledge of how to style high waisted trousers, and that is something I want to work on. I then made a pair of denim Lander shorts, which I adore and wore for a lot of the remains of the summer. I also replaced a black twill Deer and Doe Chardon - I had had one for years, but it was getting very old and wasn't my best work. It gets worn at least once a week!

Others: I blogged 3 garments that I would call 'other' this year. The first was my Closet Case Carolyn PJs, which are amazing and they still get so much wear around the house (definitely need more!) The piping was new to me but it went in so well and I was so happy with how it turned out. I then made my Deer and Doe Luzerne trench, which felt like it took forever, but probably was only about a month of sewing in the evenings/weekends. It has been hands down the most worn garment I've ever made! I guess that's because it's outerwear, but it also goes with everything and as soon as it's not freezing it'll come out again! Then there was my big, scary, summer project - my Closet Case Sophie swimsuit! Turns out with the right pattern and a fabric kit, even that isn't so scary after all.

So, the sewing output wasn't as high as it should have been, and that's something to work on for 2020. But in terms of projects, while I feel a lot of makers guilt, looking back I have done well this year. And I guess that means I know where to go next, but that's for another post!


  1. I know what you mean about having time you could have used more productively for sewing! But the skill building projects you accomplished this year are really impressive, especially that gorgeous trench coat!


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