Floral Bodice Dress

This dress we actually took photos of once before, last year. We were in the gorgeous town of Zell am See in Austria for the Husband to do his first half ironman race, and we stopped one evening under the picturesque town church for photos. Unfortunately, it was a bit too late in the evening and the photos turned out unsalvageable due to the dimming light, so you get photos in my sewing room against the blank wall again. Sorry?

This pattern is one of my favourites - New Look 6048. One of the reasons I like this pattern is that it is a great canvas for making a dress when you only have a small piece. The bodice fabric I used for this dress I picked up at my favourite fabric store in Sydney - Achieve Australia. I had just enough for the bodice (and remnants which will make lovely pockets in something else!) and used a matching light cotton for the straps and the skirt. It is quite a light cotton so the dress is fully lined using the matching lawn for the bodice and a slightly darker slippery poly lining fabric for the skirt.

I really like the shape of this dress. I have made a few changes to the pattern, mostly to the princess seams. I tweaked with the shape of them slightly to suit my bust better. I also don't follow the instructions for the straps, pinning them into place and then trying on the dress. This means I can make sure that the straps cover my bra straps, and then I sew them down by hand onto the inside of the dress.

I think that's it for this dress - it's a nice versatile wear! I wear it to work with a cardigan over, or a tshirt under, and it's lovely for weekends as well. This is definitely a TNT pattern for me, especially if you've been reading my blog for a while! Oh, and the pockets are fantastic!


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