Not-So-Boring Basics: Plantain Tee x2

Happy Saturday! I have discovered over the last year or so that I have not very many handmade tops (my handmade tops are pretty much exclusively Ogden camis), and that combined with the fact that May was coming up and I had some fabric remnants kicking around in my drawer, it was time to try making a tee shirt!

It made sense to start with a free pattern, and my love for Deer and Doe is well documented on this blog, so it made total sense to try the Plantain tee. I made the size M as that lines up closest with my measurements - and it’s a nice fit but relatively loose. It looks great tucked into high waisted jeans or shorts but I think I might try the size down next time. I did lay down my favourite RTW tee on the pattern to compare the sizing and I noticed that heather Plantain had a lot more flare at the hip, so I adjusted the side seams. In the end I took them in 2 inches total at the bottom, going to nothing at the top.

As these were essentially wearable toiles for a future planned garment, I wanted to use fabric from my stash. Luckily I had enough left over from my Popsicle Moneta and my rainbow stripe Moneta dresses that I was able to get a tee using each fabric! I actually still have some left - maybe more baby onesies are in my future using those fabric…

I also became brave enough to construct these exclusively on the overlocker. Certainly it made this a lot faster than I expected and nothing has fallen apart… yet! Not much else to say about these tops but they are great and I should really make some more tees now I have a pattern I can rely on.


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