Animals - Tula Raccoon

Another backlog post. Hi there everyone! Hope you are all having wonderful days/evenings. This dress, I was dying to make. I bought the fabric in Melbourne when I was there back in April. I was shamelessly inspired into buying the fabric having seen it on Roisin and it getting stuck in my head. Actually, the pattern was also bought after having seen it on Roisin as well as many other bloggers.

The fabric, as you can see is Acacia by Tula Pink; Raccoon in Blueberry. The pattern, Simplicity 2444. I waited until this pattern went on sale, but I'm so so glad I did. I have so many plans with this pattern. I love the V-shaped darts so much. The skirt is just a gathered rectangle (well, 3) - I ran out of fabric for the skirt (I got the end of the roll).

The pattern features pockets, but is unlined, just faced. I think I will try and draft a lining for this as the facing doesn't want to behave half the time. I cut a 16, but ended up taking a 1.5 inch wedge out of the center back. I also later have had taken 2 inches out at the zip. I don't know whether it was that big to start with or I've lost weight, but it was too roomy. Now it's much better. I love the pockets in this one though - unlike the New Look 6223 pockets, things don't fall out of these ones!

Again, there were some similarities between this and New Look 6223. The neckline (on the front and the back) is too large. I'm not sure of the exact way to solve this issue, but I'm working on it. I think it also sits funny because of the facing.

This is another dress that has been in high rotation since it was made, and seems to get a few intested comments. It's usually along the lines of, "Are those... raccoons?" Why yes, yes they are. And they are awesome.


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