Dreaming of Sewing for Winter

Hey. It's been... a while. I have been sewing, don't worry about that! I have probably about 10 projects completed that just need photos. Photographer (also known as boyfriend) has been very busy, then had camera issues, then sent said camera away for repair and it was gone for a month. He's now read this over my shoulder and reminded me that we were going to do it today, but the weather is terribly miserable. We're in Canberra for Easter, and it feels like the most miserable part of the British weather I experienced when I lived there for a year!

I bought myself a copy of the newest GBSB book, Fashion With Fabric, as an end-of-term present to myself, and I'm loving it so far (I might do a bit of a review once I've sewn something from it). ONly problem is, it's given me a serious hankering to sew, and I don't have my machine until we go back to Sydney in a week! Oh, my life is so hard.

So instead, I am planning and knitting and yes, returning to blogging.

Planning some dresses (like my next project, the Walkaway Dress from the GBSB book), and given the miserable weather I'm not all that surprised my thoughts turned to coats. I've been thinking for a while about the kind of coat I'd like next (I usually buy one every couple of years, but I have a few which are getting relatively old now). Now I sew much more, I'm getting braver, and considering that maybe, instead of buying a coat this winter, I should sew a coat.

I really like the vintage at the moment, but primarily I want a full skirted coat (for wearing all the dresses and skirts underneath!). The pattern I've found I like the most so far is Gertie's coat pattern (B5824), but I worry about the large collar and the sleeve style (I think I want regular set in sleeves instead). Although I know it would probably make a good first coat because of the sew along and tips and things Gertie added online. Also, Boyfriend hates the pattern (but he won't articulate why). I was really wondering, anyone know of any other patterns I could consider? I'd love some advice/tips.

Have you sewn yourself a winter coat, or is it something you're too afraid to try?


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