Aaand I'm back!

Hello lovelies! I am back - and this time, I'm not even going to bother trying to explain myself. It's been a while, but now I'm back, and I've had a big kick up the sewjo this last weekend!

Having had a really busy week writing reports for work, I finally snuck them in early on Friday, knocked off work as soon as possible, and drove north. Coincidentally, I was also driving towards one of the worst storms eastern NSW has seen in recent times, but I only had to spend a very short time outside in it, luckily.

I drove from Sydney up to the (normally) lovely town of Port Macquarie, where I simply found my accommodation and settled in for the night. My accommodation was awesome, and extremely central for the restaurants and the Glasshouse, our sewing venue.

(Arriving, sewing machines in tow)

(Our sewing tables - in the front was a huge cutting table as well!)

What followed was 2 days of disgusting weather, but fantastic food, awesome sewing, and great new friends. There was a surprising spread of people there - from Melbourne, all the way up to Brisbane. The Glasshouse was a great venue, with plenty of space, tables and power for all. And I finally got started on the project I'd been putting off for AGES... McCalls 6696! It seems like by now everyone and their cat has made this pattern, but all the new-to-me elements (button band, buttonholes, collar, yoke) were putting me off. This was the kick start I needed! I got as far as having bodice mostly done, and skirt panels pleated and ready for pockets. But the best part was the inspiration. I really enjoyed being surrounded by other likeminded ladies who could talk sewing (or not sewing), and we were offering each other advice and suggestions along the way. Because of that, I now have plans to one day make a M6696 coat!

 (My M6696 in progress - it looks just like a jacket!)

Being a sometimes nervous person, I was a little worried about travelling alone, and going to an event where I didn't know anyone (in person, anyway), but it was such a fantastic experience. I'm hoping that there is something else on soon! Super big thanks to Lizzy for organising, Jen (who I believe is blogless) for helping me score a Vogue vintage reprint pattern at half price, and Maria for being super supportive and a new Sydney sewing friend. Also thanks to the other lovely ladies who attended - Ruth, Jenny, Victoria, Pam, Wendy, Christine, Jenny, Anna, Alison, and Emma! If by some crazy chance you read my blog and haven't seen any of theirs, check them out.

Anyway, I'm planning to have a relatively early night tonight, then tomorrow after work, a quick trip to Spotlight for more interfacing (preferably not double sided this time - oops!), then more sewing! Hoping to have this dress completed soon. And I shall leave you with a photo I snuck on the Saturday - from the lift at the Glasshouse, which is where Lizzy takes almost all her selfies! Be back soon!


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