My first hack: Odgen Cami dress
Today we have a change of photographer and scenery - on location photos! These photos were taken on my iPhone by my lovely friend Jess, so the quality might not be quite the best, but I am on location in Barcelona! I'm currently on holiday in Spain without my usual Photographer husband, but here I am in the kitchen courtyard of Casa Batllo, my favourite of the Gaudi designed residences. I just couldn't turn down the chance to get such great location shots!

This dress is hot of the presses, as I finished it less than a week ago! I have made several Ogden cami tops, and decided that I really liked the dress version on the True Bias blog and wanted to make it myself! I used the tutorial roughly, although I did end up having to take more off the back to even it out (I just did it as I tried in on with the skirt basted to make sure it hung straight on my body).
This fabric is from my trip to Paris last summer, and I'm pretty certain it's a viscose. It's light and drapey and oh-so-cool. I didn't quite have enough to self-line the bodice, so I used some black bemberg I had in the stash to line the bodice. It's just the right weight too.
Adding the gathered skirt gives the dress the kind of shape I wouldn't normally wear, with the boxy tent shape, but I made a tie for the dress, which I would wear most of the time. Today, in 32 degree Barcelona, after we ate lunch (that may also have contributed...) I removed the belt and wore it untied, and actually, I really liked it that way too! Perfect for the hot sunny weather.
This is my normal Ogden size, a 10 and I didn't make any adjustments that weren't in the above blog post. This dress is great, and despite crinkling quite quickly, it's wonderful to wear!
Thanks to Jess for the photos!
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