Summer Staple: Denim Lander shorts

Today I have a real summer staple for the blog. As soon as I finished my Lander pant  earlier in the year I knew that what I wanted for the summer was a pair of light denim coloured Lander shorts  So I set off, buying a single piece of denim from Guthrie and Ghani  Making the shorts also means much less fabric; I’m pretty sure I got this out of a metre of the fabric. I also pulled out one of my stashed Japanese fat quarters for the pockets, which are a beautiful touch. I really like using fun and different fat quarters for pockets.

Same as with my last pair, they went together very quickly and easily. I love the instructions  - they make making trousers so much less scary! I did want to use proper jeans buttons, however I couldn’t find them anywhere so I used these regular gold buttons which look pretty jeans like. I still think if I’m not 100% sold on the buttons that I’ll try the jeans buttons after that.

This time around, I went one size down (pretty sure I made a 10), and finished these shorts just in time for my recent trip to Barcelona, although when I put them on on holiday I was mildly horrified to see that they were miles too big!!! I did fit it when I was sewing, but I can only put my error down to the fact that I usually sew (and therefore fit) in the evenings. And as a lot of people, my size clearly changes quite a bit throughout the day. Fitting last thing before bed, after dinner and having had a few bottles of water clearly makes my shape a little different. So I didn’t wear this while I was away.

When I returned home, I refitted it first thing in the morning and decided I needed just over an inch taken out of each side. I asked Claire (@clairesews on Instagram) for her advice on taking it in and she helped me with strategy. What I ended up doing was unpicking the belt loop in centre back and the topstitching from that section as well, before taking it in in a wedge on the centre back seam, tapering to nothing at the seat. This means I added a centre back seam to the waistband, but when putting it back together the belt loop goes on top and you can’t see the seam there at all! I was able to redo the topstitching, and I’m very happy with how it turned out. It also helps that it’s at my centre back as well and I can’t see it!

The only other modification I made was to not use the Lander pockets. Because I was after a more denim jeans look, I wanted a more jeans style pocket with the pointed bottom. I nearly went and self drafted the pocket myself, before remembering that the Grainline Maritime shorts had exactly the pockets I wanted and not only do I have that pattern, but I’ve made it twice!

Now that these shorts are finished I foresee a lot of wear from them. Given how much of my wardrobe is high waisted skirts and dresses, I’m surprised I waited this long to try trousers/shorts! Unfortunately, the Husband doesn’t like these shorts and doesn’t think they really suit me, but oh well. I think they do, they make me feel super cool and I will wear them a lot!


  1. I love them! Great idea for the pockets ;o)

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