A Planning Post: Need vs. Want

No lovely photos for today, I'm afraid. The last lot that we took were also in Austria from our break, but at night under the light from the beautiful old church. Unfortunately the photos were much too grainy, so although I've written the blog post the photos will have to be retaken. And my photographer/husband is currently away on his annual solo trip...

I also haven't done much sewing lately. I sewed a lot over the summer, and since getting back from Austria it was straight back into a new school year. I am still settling in, and while I could definitely could be making time for sewing in the evenings, by that time I am too tired. Instead, I have been hanging out and chilling. Now, however, I am getting more settled and making more plans!

The big sewing dilemma in my head at the moment is NEED vs. WANT. I don't mean about sewing generally, but specifically about what garments I will/hope to be making.  I guess this is kind of also about cake and frosting - what wardrobe gaps I have which I need to fill, and what pretty dresses I'd like to be making.

The biggest issue for me is not that I don't want to make the things that fill those wardrobe gaps, but that they are challenges for me. They are going to be new, and harder, and more challenging, and I would entirely just be easier to continue making dresses and skirts, and things that I'm familiar with. Because of having such limited time and energy for sewing, I should be focusing on those gaps, but they will take more time and perhaps and need adjustments and... Maybe I'm being babyish?

My plan is to do one from each list, working my way through them with breaks in between to make the things on my WANT list.

Things I WANT to be making:

  • Pajamas
   Image result for kwik sew 3554   

On my list of pajamas I'd like to make, I want to basically rehaul my entire PJ wardrobe! Currently I find store bought ones don't really fit well or shift around too much when I'm asleep. My dream PJ wardrobe consists of these 3 patterns - Closet Case Carolyns (I currently have one long pair but would like probably another and one short set in lawn), Kwik Sew 3554 (for a night dress), and Tilly and the Buttons Fifi pajamas. I currently own all of these patterns as well, just need fabrics!
  • Dresses
Image result for new look 6208

This New Look 6208 dress is actually just going to be a remake for me - I had a black and white gingham dress using this pattern (I did do a blog post about it back then), and while I don't own that dress any more, I would like to again. But now I know that I can make it again, but better!
  • Vintage cropped top
Image result for simplicity 8130

I really like this Vintage Simplicity 8130 pattern but have only made it as a dress so far. I would love to have it as a top - but honestly, I think I need to wait on this one. Making this in London in September would be frankly irresponsible!
  • Vintage dress pattern
Image result for vogue 2960   Image result for vogue 9105

I have owned both Vintage Vogue 2960 and 9105 for ages (years?), and yet I haven't made them. The main reason? They have much higher fabric requirements than I usually buy (normally if I don't know what pattern I'm going to be making I get 3m) - by several metres. I am hoping to solve this soon by picking up some fabric at SewBrum next month!
  • Picnic blanket skirt
Image result for picnic blanket skirt

I have had some blue and yellow gingham for a few years that is screaming to become a picnic blanket skirt in the style of this tutorial from Tilly. Again, I just need to get onto it!

Things I NEED to be making:

  • Swimsuits
Image result for sophie swimsuit   Image result for cottesloe swimsuit

Not only do I not really like my regular swimsuits, but I have a few beach trips coming up in the next year (a lot more than I usually have, which is none) and I want to make swimsuits! I have the Closet Case Sophie Swimsuit totally ready to go - pattern, fabric (some gorgeous ones from Blackbird Fabrics), and notions (I'm going to make the bikini version). I just have to cut and get it started, which I will do next after I finish my current sewing! I also have enough fabric to make a one piece suit so am planning a Megan Nielsen Cottesloe with the lovely back tie.
  • Jeans
Image result for ginger jeans

I particularly want to make Closet Case Ginger jeans for work. I often wear black jeans to work, but my current pair (which are from GAP) are not as high waisted as I'd like and they bag out after just the first wear. Rather than just going to all the shops and trying on all the jeans, I've decided I should just toughen up and sew these for myself! Then I can make them exactly as I want them. I already have the pattern and the findings kit from Closet Case so just need the fabric, but I want to start with something a bit cheaper for my first pair.
  • Parka style jacket
Image result for kelly anorak

Living in London, you need a selection of coats in your wardrobe. I have a few in wool (flared dress coat, straight wool coat), a trench (my Deer and Doe Luzerne), and a puffy jacket from SuperDry. But what I don't have is a light, water resistant jacket - WITH A HOOD. Enter the Closet Case Kelly Anorak! I have the pattern already and bought the findings kit as well - I'm thinking a good wearable neutral like navy blue or olive green?
  • Coat
Image result for quart coat

I already mentioned I have a straight wool coat - I do really like it, and I picked it up from a charity shop for a steal. It's just a little frustrating as it's a size too small, so I can't wear it unless it's undone (which isn't the best in the wind tunnels of London streets). So my solution is to replace it with a Pauline Alice Quart Coat, probably in the same shade of purple as my existing coat, if I can find it!
  • Husband shirts (KS 3883)
Image result for kwik sew 3883
And this is the big one, really. Why, you ask? Because I first bought the pattern for this in, well, it must have been 2014? And fabric in Paris in 2015... and I made a test last year, which needed adjustments, which I made, then I went to make the first real shirt - and I put one of the front pieces on backwards! So I put it down and haven't picked it up since. Turns out I have a really long suffering Husband! (In fact, we were only dating when this all began...)

And those are my current lists! I wonder if anyone else feels this way? I'd love to hear if you also have two separate sewing lists, and how you deal with the more challenging aspects of sewing planning and wardrobe building!


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