Actually Interseasonal; Linden View B

This has been a surprising make for me. I have worn it much more than expected and it is actually a true interseasonal piece. Most of my wardrobe isn't really made of pieces which go from season to season - I tend to make the majority of things as summer makes (dresses, skirts, etc.) and simply accessorise with tights and layers. But this fits well in the in between, and in the UK there is lots of in between!

This is my second View B Linden, with the short sleeves. I've also made both in fabrics which I won in the SewBrum 2019 raffle. I'm almost out of fabrics from that prize! This rose knit is not usually in my colour palette, but I actually don't mind it on me. I made my usual size 8, although I found the neckband a bit short. This knit doesn't have the same amount of stretch as others I've used, so I ended up recutting the neckband longer so that I could stretch it to fit.

One thing I didn't have was matching thread. I made this during May 2020 during the first lockdown, and because I never sew with pink I had no thread in my stash. I didn't really want to go and buy a whole spool that matched given I wouldn't choose this colour again. So I went through my thread stash and I had an open spool of magenta-y purple (Gutermann #130) from one of my Kew dresses from summer 2019. It definitely doesn't match, but it coordinates nicely, and given that this top isn't worn much outside the house that is perfectly fine!

There's not much else to say about this make, other than I like it and it'll fit very well into the WFH/cosy at home weekend wardrobe!


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