Flashback - My Eleventh Doctor

Hi! This was a dress I virtually dreamed up. One of my favourite TV shows is the BBC's Doctor Who, and when the boyfriend and I got tickets to go to the Symphonic Spectacular earlier in the year, I decided it was the perfect opportunity to get an appropriate outfit. I didn't want to cosplay any of the female characters (all the one I look remotely like are not very exciting), and was thinking of wearing a dress. So I googled 'Doctor Who dress', and bam:

(Dress from The Vintage Doctor - still available!)

Only problem was, it wsa a week until the concert, and the dress is a little out of my price range at $225. Cue thoughts of 'Oh, I could make that!' Enter Simplicity 1606 (View A), one of their 'Amazing Fit' dresses, some brown, maroon, and beige stripe cotton. I cut a 12, the D cups *the cups are sized seperately, which worked out well for me, as I sometimes go up a size just for my bust... It must have been a long pattern, as I hemmed it up 10"!

I may have finished this dress the day before the concert, but finish it I did! And it fit! I have never been quite as pleased with myself, and got a fair few admiring looks at the concert.

The only photo I have of this dress:

(Photo taken at the Melbourne Convention Centre)

There is, unfortunately, a reason why there is only one photo of this dress... I did not prewash all the fabric. I washed the brown and the cream, but figured there was only a small amout of the maroon. BIG mistake. After only wearing this once, the maroon bled through the rest of the dress and rendered it unwearable and unfixable. Such a shame, but I can certainly say I learned my lesson!

New skills: boning, lining a bodice, buttons, halter straps.


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