Flashback - Circle Skirt: Scotland Check

Having made so many dresses, I wanted something else. My favourite skirt is a high waisted one with a gathered skirt and waistband, covered in multi-coloured polka dots. I wanted another skirt that I wanted to wear just as much, and given that I wear this skirt on average twice a week, I'd say I was onto a winner. [Since writing this post, that has been upped to at least 3 times a week, I think. It's so comfy and versatile!]

This is a self-drafted 3/4 circle skirt (drafted using this tutorial). I wanted a full circle but didn't have enough of this lovely weight check fabric, so 3/4 it is! Both the Scotland Check fabric and the black Bemsilk lining I used were from Lincraft, again. The skirt is cut to 22" to hit just above my knee. I ended up putting a few tabs on the waistband - it was just a little loose when completed.

I love how twirly this is!

New skills: self-drafted.


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