Book Review: 110 Creations

When I started sewing again, I wanted something to track what I was up to, the patterns I owned, and the sizes I used for the best fit. I didn't want a notebook - that seemed too hard, so I did what any normal person would do. I googled.

And I found 110 Creations: A Sewist's Notebook!

This. Thing. Is. Genius!

Wih room for sketches, noting your pattern collection, your needle changes, your wishlists... Oh, it's amazing. There is space for 110 of your creations (obviously), pages 1-90 of which feature a mannequin drawing, space for pattern, fabric, and taking note of notions, accents. You can note which size you cut, how it worked, and what you would change for next time at the end of it all. Projects 91-110 don't have a figure drawing, but a blank space for your handbags/accessories (or kindle cases, in my case).

I have only completed 8 projects, and have a handful of patterns, but even for people with more, this is awesome. I am already planning on getting another when mine is full. The only way I changed mine was by stapling fabric swatched that I used to the corner so I had something more accurate than the drawing to go by. I couldn't think of anything else I would change.

If you sew more than occasionally, this is awesome. Get it!


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