Simplicity 2444 - Blue Batik Dress

Hello lovely people! I hope that you are all well, and if you are an Aussie, that you are staying warm and dry. Today I have a totally seasonally-inappropriate dress to share with you. I mean, it is the middle of winter here, but for me, that still means dresses - just with many layers on top and underneath to keep me warm.

This dress is also a small first for me - this is my first full muslin on a dress bodice! I know, I know, I should have started making muslins ages ago, but my habit is much more 'make-the-dress-then-take-it-in-at-the-zip' kind of girl. Way too much work making a muslin, or so I thought. Turns out, it's totally worth it.

(Photos for this post taken by my brother, with guidance from my Mum)

I didn't keep my notes as to all the changes I made (silly), but I did go down a size from before, and take out the back darts. The underarm seam is just slightly crooked, but not enough to really notice. I had originally planned to use the S2444 skirt pattern, but with this fabric that wasn't going to work to capture the lovely border detail. So it's the S2444 bodice, with just a gathered skirt. It's fully lined too (light blue cotton on the bodice, silvery grey silky lining for the skirt) - and, of course, pockets!

I'm very proud, actually, of the pattern matching I managed to achieve. I feel like that is certainly a weakness of mine, but the zigzag pattern totally lines up across the zipper. I also put the waist seam in a position so that the there was no interrupted pattern on the waist - I was concerned that this would make the skirt too short, but I think it's okay. I mean, it's unhemmed (selvedge yay!) and I won't be wearing it to work, but casually? Sure.

Our photo plans went a bit awry though. We had grand plans to go to the Arboretum partly for cool outside tree photos... But it was actually super windy and not very warm. So inside the Visitor Centre photos it is! Credit for photos for this one (and quite a few in the future) go to my brother for being photographer, and to my Mum (on whose birthday these photos were taken) for being photographic director and camera owner.


  1. I love how you've made the most of the beautiful fabric. I really should line my dresses more often, you've inspired me! x Allison

    1. Lining is definitely worth it for me. Regardless of the season, I always feel nicer with a lined dress - and it helps in the colder months that my skirt doesn't stick to my stockings!


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