Stripey Wool Francoise

Hello lovely people! Hope everyone is well. It's been a great few weeks off for me on school holidays, but it'll be back to work tomorrow for. me. At least it's supposed to be warmer this week - I'm looking forward to  a day or two with no stockings! This dress is a stockings dress though. It is one I made late last year, actually, but I haven't worn it all that often. It is a departure from my usual style, but I like it. 

This a Tilly and the Buttons Francoise. It's not my first, but I think it's my favourite. In terms of construction, this was made exactly the same as the first (in a size 4). I was planning on having sleeves, but the wool I chose doesn't have enough stretch for sleeves. Or enough fabric in the piece I bought.

The main reasons that I don't wear this dress a lot is the length and the fabric. It's a great wintery dress to be worn with stockings! However, here in Sydney there isn't a huge amount of stocking weather (there is in winter, but there is less stocking weather than back in Canberra)... And it's too short to be comfortable for me to wear at work. The fabric itself though is lovely - it was another score from Achieve Australia (and during the half price sale) - such a great store! It's very soft and not at all itchy. As you can see, the collar is just plain white cotton sateen, and the sleeves are finished with white bias binding.

This dress did get quite a lot of wear back in January, when the Fiance and I went to London. I wanted something which I could layer with lots of other warm things, which is exactly what I did. In London, I wore this dress with a singlet, merino long sleeve top, merino leggings, fleecy tights, socks, boots, cardigan and down jacket. A lot of layers, but I felt quite like a local in something that is more me, than regular travelling clothes. Besides, it was abnormally warm - a whole 10 degrees Celsius!

I think that's my 'what are you doing strange brother?' face. It was a very amusing photo shoot. Thanks again to my brother and mother for these photos. See you excellent people again soon!


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