Spotty Ruby; or, my Good Luck dress!

This dress is truly and oldie but a goodie.

It's another Ruby dress! My usual size, this was the first one I did with the full bodice lining rather than just a facing. If I'm totally honest, most facings I just find super annoying, especially on a dress like this. You might as well might make it a full lining and have more clean finishes as well!

This Ruby in particular has become my favourite. It's a cooler weather staple which I wear all autumn and winter long, usually with tights. I added a couple of inches to the length of the skirt to make it a little dressier (and a bit better for work), and with the pretty but subdued print.

This dress has become my good luck dress! I wear it regularly around once a week in the cooler seasons, but it also gets washed in time for every important occasion. I wear it for the first parent teacher night, I wore it to multiple job interviews last year (and I got offered the two that I wore it to!) and it really helps to boost my mood when I'm feeling low. It's the best dress!


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