Starry Maritime Shorts

This is my first ever pair of bottoms that wasn't a skirt! My first shorts. These were definitely a test of this pattern, a wearable muslin as it were. And they are still hanging around years later...

I bought this fabric in Paris (oh, I am planning a stash filling trip to Paris once things go back to normal!) from one of the coupon shops at the base of Montmatre. I don't remember which store it was as I had that fabric for a few years. I think I bought it on my first trip to Paris after arriving long term in the UK? That would make it 2017, I guess. I snapped up a 3m coupon for a great price, and I still remember at the time being really really pleased with my purchase

The original plan for this fabric was to make a dress with it, but I released as soon as it was washed that it was too heavy for that purpose. So instead I made shorts! It does mean I have a lot left as I had 3m to start with (shorts don't take much!) These are the Maritime shorts by Grainline.

For this first effort I made a size 12, which later on after I got on to the trying on stage, I took in at the side seams. So for my future Maritime shorts I made a 10 but for this it is just perfectly comfy. I used some leftover quilting cotton from this dress as the pocket lining - while nobody can see this, it makes me happy to have stars on both the inside and outside! I did originally do the button vertically instead of horizontally, but I couldn't unpick it properly so I literally just did the horizontal one on top and you can't even see it underneath the button.

These shorts get a lot a lot of wear! Because they are a little big and the denim has a little amount of stretch, they are the most comfortable shorts I own, hand down. So once it gets to summer (even just now that the UK has started on temps of 20+, given our flat hasn't got any aircon and we have cats who like to climb on the roof if you leave a window too far open) they are worn practically every day around the house! In fact, I am currently wearing them as I write this post!


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