Teal Shirtdress; My third M6696!

This shirt dress was all the rage back in the day, wasn't it? And I made 3 in the end! Both the other versions are blogged already - the first was a lovely sky blue linen which ended up purple as an (successful) attempt to hide some unfortunate fabric pen disaster... The second turned out perfectly in Liberty lawn with self covered buttons to wear to the BBQ the day after my wedding... And this, it actually has a small adventure in it too!

I actually have no notes on this project (oops!) so I can't remember exactly what I did, although I probably made a sz14 and took it in a tiny bit at the waist as I did with my Liberty version. I also folded out some of the excess in the back, as there is a lot of fabric there! It's definitely View B (love that gathered skirt!). I used a really lovely woven cotton which is this nice teal colour.

The story is here - these were not the original buttons. I found in my stash these gorgeous wooden buttons with painted designs on and bought a few packs, one of which was this water-lily-in-a-pond design. They were perfect and looked amazing! The only thing is, I used to wash on hot and after only 1 wash, the paint started to come off the buttons. Oh well, I thought to myself, I'll wash it on cold next time and can place buttons if I need to... Except the same happened with a cold wash. So I had to sew a full second set of buttons. These ones are black which I think still looks nice but they are plastic so they can get washed easily...

I haven't actually worn any of my M6696 recently (I did purge the purple one in the move to the UK but still have the Liberty one, of course) and I don't think they got much wear last summer either. I think my style is changing and I am getting better in knowing what to wear for different situations. That being said, I loved popping it back on for photos and will make an effort to get it out for work, once work gets back...


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