Embossed Lady Skater (an undecided project)

This is the last project from my big photo taking session! I took photos of 18 garments all up which was actually quite a good way to get photos, particularly during the new lockdown normal. After this we'll have to see about when this goes up, what life is like, can I go outside? Can I persuade the husband to actually take photos for me again? We'll see. (After originally writing this in April... Well, you know what else happened... Here's hoping we can be back to normal sometime soon!)

This is one which I am still not sure about - it doesn't get much wear and I'll explain more in a bit. This is another Lady Skater, in my usual size 5. It fits nicely and I really like the look of this embossed mystery stretch fabric - I found it at a store in Goldhawk Rd (I think) and it was definitely in the single digits per metre. I also bought it at a time where I didn't know better - if I saw this now I wouldn't get it!

The colour is perfectly me, but as you might be able to see from the photo above... There is a slight issue with how see-through it is. Up against my body it seems fine? But you can definitely see through the skirt when it is a single layer. This makes it definitely not work attire, and makes me hesitant to wear it. I wear it around the house (fancy!) but I don't ever choose it to wear to see friends or go for dinner.

But I don't think it's bad enough to get rid of, and the fabric is so cool with the embossing, that I'm not sure I have the heart to get rid of it. What do you think? Wear, or donate? Or just bin?

(see through element in action!)


  1. That's a lovely fabric! Could you sew or buy a slip for it? Best, Andrea


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