Shelby Rip-Off Dress; New Look 6567

I have recently taken a bunch more blog photos - I think that makes me almost up to date with my makes? Certainly the 16 garments I took today means I have photos of every garment I made in 2020 (which is the most in a year ever, I think). This will be the first of this batch I've posted!

When the Shelby dress by True Bias came out, I think almost everyone fell in love with it, including me. I was talking to some of my sewing friends, and Chloe sent me a picture of New Look 6567... This pattern was so close to the Shelby and very hackable to make it the same. It had the (lack of) waist seam, the overall shape - and I was feeling adventurous!

So I picked a fabric which I was happy to use as a muslin fabric - a maroon rayon with a ditsy floral print I picked from the Birmingham rag market during Sew Brum 2019. Now, it conspires that I haven't actually made the proper version yet, but it is on the (long) list of things to sew in 2021, and now I know that it will work.

I made the following modifications:

  • Cut a size 12 rather than the 16 suggested by my measurements (Big 4 patterns have so much ease!)
  • I cut the centre front piece as a double layer instead of on the fold, and added extra for a button band
  • I added ties to the seam between the centre back and side back to help nip it in at the waist more for the same look as the Shelby
  • After making it, I realised that I didn't take anything out of the centre back to compensate for the new lack of zipper, and I think that must have had an effect because I had to take a 1.25" wedge out of the CB that went 6" deep towards the waistline seam.
  • I also used a 2" hem which was deeper than called for in the pattern

I love the way this turned out! I enjoy the flowyness of it without the waist seam, and the button front is flattering. It has already gotten a fair amount of wear, which really tells me that I should definitely be making the 'good' version soon - in the spring.

This made for a gorgeous dress which I love to wear. For the next version (the good one!), I plan to straighten the neckline of the front to show the more V neck style of the Shelby to come through:
  • Put that wedge in the CB onto the pattern piece all the way down to the waist marker
  • Tweak with the fit around the princess seams at the front - there is a little excess when I lean forward but it should be easy enough to fix it on the fly
  • I might think about shortening the sleeves to more closely mimic the Shelby as well
So I guess I'll be adding that to my 'To Sew Soon' list!


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