Rainbow Secret Pajamas! (Another Moneta)

As I often do with new patterns that I like, after I made my first one in the navy and white stripe, I promptly made another in a different but striped knit! Once I knew that the first dress was going to be successful, I ordered this gorgeous rainbow stripe knit from Tilly and the Buttons! I liked the idea of having a rainbow, and because this fabric is black printed on white (not black when woven) I needed a pattern that doesn't stretch very much.

This fabric though is lovely, really comfy with a lovely stretch and the rainbow colours work super well with the black. I really love the end result! There is a little fading across the bust when I wear it due to it stretching slightly, but I don't think it's really noticeable and definitely not enough to stop me wearing it!

As with my first Moneta, I placed the stripe horizontal on the bodice and vertical on the skirt. I think that looks better on me than the other way around. I made the same size (M), however after finding the sleeves of the first too baggy, I decided to redraft the sleeve, taking 1" out of the sleeveheads, going to nothing at the end of the sleeve. This actually really helped and now the sleeve fits much better. I almost was tempted to take more out but I think then I'd be at the risk of over fitting it. Other than that it was the same, and great again!

I don't think there's much else to say about it. It is perfect, actually, for wearing when I work from home. I'm finding the change in so many people's circumstances interesting from a wardrobe perspective. I know that I have found some holes in my wardrobe (trackpants, and transitional knits) which I am now trying to fill in. I'm also thinking ahead to what I'd like during the summer when things can go back to normal.

Before the UK got locked down (in fact, even before the schools got closed), I got ahead of the game in terms of stocking up. Not on groceries, but I made a list of 7 projects I wanted to make starting after this one which I got supplies for in preparation. Everything else I will have to just make do or order online (a lot of places are still open online, but I find thread matching in particular really hard when not in person!). This was the first of the 7 which I have made - the next is in progress at the moment. Gotta have things to keep you occupied!


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