World Book Day Ruby

This was another case of making a dress in a week, actually. Although this one was so much less stressful!

With World Book Day being on a Thursday each year, I realised on the Saturday before it that I didn't have a costume for the day. The few costumes I own are currently in Australia (I didn't see the point in bringing them over in the move), except for the costume I used for Halloween, which wasn't a book character. So I either needed to buy one straight away or make something that could work.

I spent a few hours looking at costumes, but so many of the ones that I could actually get in time were so cheap looking and I just couldn't bring myself to do it. Then I remembered that I actually already owned appropriate fabric and it had barely even made it into my stash! This gorgeous fabric is from Lindy Bop (which when I went back to find it seems to be in administration?) It was labelled as crepe, and it sewed and wears beautifully. And of course, this book print is just ideal for World Book Day. I did get quite a few questions about who I was dressed as during the day, but my response did make people smile: "I'm the entire library!"

It worked very well for World Book Day as well, as I am also in charge of the library at my school, and it wasn't too overwhelming as a costume for the children with needs in my class. I was able to get on with my day just like normal, without anything (like a tail or ears) getting in my way.

In terms of the pattern, there's not much to say. It's a Ruby, I've made a whole bunch, and by this point I could probably do it in my sleep! This time I forgot to lengthen the skirt (it's a little short for work without any added to it), but as I was wearing it with tights anyway it wasn't too bad.

And there are extra points to this fabric... During the day I was helping some children to paint, and I managed despite trying to be extra careful to get paint on my skirt. I didn't get to wash it of course until I was home, but there is still a little mark left on the fabric. But with such a busy print, there is no way anyone could spot it without help! So that's a perk.

I'm really pleased that I have used this fabric, and pretty quickly for me too! I will now wear this dress every World Book Day that I can get away with, and it's not too quirky to not be able to wear it out in public (for me, anyway - I love a quirky print!) as well!


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