The Real Deal; Calvin Leo

After making the toile of the Calvin top which I posted last week, I dove straight in to the actual planned dress! This make was actually totally inspired - you know that feeling you get when you are just idly browsing an online fabric store (The Village Haberdashery, in my case), and you see a fabric - and instantly you know that you NEED it in your life and EXACTLY what to make with it.

This is what happened with this Mind the Maker Leo print viscose - I knew as soon as I saw it that it needed to be a True Bias Calvin dress. It is gorgeous - and I've been trying to bring more green into my wardrobe, to great success!

I made the size 10 again, the same as my toile. In the making process, I ended up taking 1cm off each underarm. I also took 8" off the hem (pardon my mixing imperial/metric, I work in strange ways, apparently) because it was really long on me!

It is a big departure from my usual style, with the lack of a waistband and the wrap, but every time I've worn it I feel fancy and swishy. I love how flattering it looks on the bust area, but it doesn't feel like I'm in danger of exposing anything! It's not a dress for days when I have big meals planned, but I have plenty of outfits that work better for that.

I would like to make another at some point, but I feel like for me 2 is probably all I need in my wardrobe. I just need to be on the lookout for the next perfect fabric!


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