Everybody needs Hufflepuff Shorts; Black Landers

I realised as we were approaching last summer that I had denim shorts, and navy blue shorts, but no shorts in black - which was clearly an oversight. So I made 2 pairs! This pair is by far my favourite and I have worn it loads. I am really pleased with the fit on it too!

This is the Lander shorts pattern, which I have made once before. I really like the fit on these. I made a size 8, as last time I cut and made a size 10, but then ended up taking it in at the waist. I also made the hem of the shorts a smaller hem this time to give me just a little extra length. For fabric, I used a perwinkle twill I bought from the Village Haberdashery which I dyed black and added to some black remnants I already had from a (very old) Chardon skirt. That made sure I had enough fabric for both these Landers and also the Maritimes I made too (blog post incoming).

As these shorts were going to get a lot of wear (and I knew that they would ahead of time due to their versatility), I put extra care into them. I overlocked the seams on the inside as neatly as I could. I used my favourite fat quarter to make the pockets, as well. As of now they were my 'Hufflepuff' shorts!'


And given my newfound interest in embroidery (I have embroidered tote bags, cushions, and bookmarks since the start of 2020), I decided to put a touch of embroidery on the pockets as well for visual interest. I traced the pocket pieces onto paper and drew a few different options before deciding which one to go with. Using a badger seemed to make perfect sense! I used the top left of the left pocket, and the bottom right of the right pocket.

I did use buttons for these shorts as per the pattern instructions, but I think for a more flattering front section and versatility for wear, for patterns going forwards I am going to use the zip fly expansion pack.



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